Tuesday, July 1, 2014

how to look good without make up

Hello all, how are we? today I want to talk to you about how to look and feel good without wearing any makeup, and I don't mean just at home on your own, I mean when you are out and about, with friends, at school etc. I don't wear makeup every day and I take care of my skin in the hopes that I don't need to wear make up every day so even when I have acne which I do now I generally won't put make up on because I want to let the active acne calm down and heal before putting anything on it apart from skincare.

 These are my top four products that I use either on a daily basis or on a twice a week basis for my skin to look decent. I use the Nivea Cleanse deeper wash/scrun, Himalaya herbals clarifying mud pack which I love! himalaya anti acne and pimple treatment which I also love because it also takes care of hyperpigmentation and my redness. 10.0.1 keep your cool break out calming mask, I also use this kind of like a primer under make up. The Niviea clean deeper daily wash/scrub I use daily and it really unclogs my pores, and helps to reduce build up of sebum production. The himalaya herbals clarifying mud pack is an affordable mud pack at $5 from my local Indian store and it really gets to work on my skin. The anti pimple treatment works wonders well as I suffer from scarring and hyperpigmentation. All of these products are under $9 and very good quality affordable products.
 Now this is hints to look good when taking pics also without make up. This front on angle in the shade doesn't do anything for me, you can see my acne on my chin (hormonal acne) and any wrinkles etc. Everyone has flaws its a fact of life.

but if you change up the hair, to kind of act like a camouflage and distract from your face then you are already making a difference. I also believe sunlight in pics can really help skin look radiant and very pretty without make up.

I know you can still see the acne but I believe looking happy and confident distracts from the acne, and the skin looks healthy and glowy because of the sun.

I do hope these products can help you, and these tips also, let me know if you have tried any?
hugs Jess


  1. hydration on the skin is my best tip! i have dry skin and i look awful without it. a good glowing serum works wonders

  2. I haven't tried any of those products, but I'm certainly inspired to after seeing how fresh and fabulous you look! You look gorgeous :)

  3. I find a great light moisturizer helps a lot too! I'll have to give these a go :)


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