Thursday, August 14, 2014

Depression sucks

Hi guys I just wanted to do a post and say I am still here. I have been struggling lately with my moods. I suffer from Bipolar type 2 rapid cycling disorder and this week has been rather hard for me. I started out ok however I have slowly been sleeping more and just not feeling myself. My moods have been going down so I've got some appointments booked in for my doctor, and I also see a mental health nurse and a psychiatrist so my help is all around me at the moment. Also my partner is great support and his family as well so I really appreciate that.

Struggling with depression and understanding when you need help is hard, I think its better to get help before it feels like everything is too hard for you. It's a bit easier for the doctors to treat and you will find that you will feel better earlier for talking about it sooner.

I have been struggling with this illness for a couple of years as I had a late diagnoses. I am 29 years old but I always knew there was something different about me  because I was always acting differently to other people and thinking it was a normal way to act but it was the bipolar.

Anyways I will get there and will start posting more soon. I just wanted to share with you I have started a you tube channel and I am not sure why I have lol but I have.

It is here if you want to go check it out
my video link

thanks guys


  1. Aw Jess sending you lots of hugs!! I hope you feel better soon, I bet it makes a huge difference having a supportive partner though.
    <3<3 Danielle xo

  2. Bless your heart honey! Well just know if u ever need a friend, I am here! :)


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